I had the great pleasure of planning Alpha Tau Omega's   Caffeine High   in both 2015 & 2016, the 14th and 15th years of the event.
   Caffeine High   is an annual fundraiser for Big Brothers Big Sisters in Muscle Shoals, Alabama. It raises about $10,000 each year and is crucial in keeping BBBS operational in the area.
 In addition to being a successful fundraiser, it is the largest party at the University of North Alabama with an average of 1,300 people attending -  all without alcohol being present.  This helps promote responsible party culture for stud
 All photos are of  The Bear & The Bride  from April 2016. The group is now known as  Carver Commodore.     IG: @carvercommodore
 All photos by Jackson Townsend.   IG: @jacksontownsend_
 I had the great pleasure of planning Alpha Tau Omega's   Caffeine High   in both 2015 & 2016, the 14th and 15th years of the event.

I had the great pleasure of planning Alpha Tau Omega's Caffeine High in both 2015 & 2016, the 14th and 15th years of the event.

   Caffeine High   is an annual fundraiser for Big Brothers Big Sisters in Muscle Shoals, Alabama. It raises about $10,000 each year and is crucial in keeping BBBS operational in the area.

Caffeine High is an annual fundraiser for Big Brothers Big Sisters in Muscle Shoals, Alabama. It raises about $10,000 each year and is crucial in keeping BBBS operational in the area.

 In addition to being a successful fundraiser, it is the largest party at the University of North Alabama with an average of 1,300 people attending -  all without alcohol being present.  This helps promote responsible party culture for stud

In addition to being a successful fundraiser, it is the largest party at the University of North Alabama with an average of 1,300 people attending - all without alcohol being present. This helps promote responsible party culture for students on campus.

 All photos are of  The Bear & The Bride  from April 2016. The group is now known as  Carver Commodore.     IG: @carvercommodore

All photos are of The Bear & The Bride from April 2016. The group is now known as Carver Commodore.

IG: @carvercommodore

 All photos by Jackson Townsend.   IG: @jacksontownsend_

All photos by Jackson Townsend.

IG: @jacksontownsend_